Print and Digital Salons
Entrants must submit digital entries through email ( prior to the convention. Entrants competing in the Print Salon will need to bring their images to the convention. There is a $15.00 fee for each Salon (Print or Digital Image Salon) that covers all images in that salon and is payable at the convention (Print Competition) or through the online registration (Digital or Print Competition). Note: Digital Images MUST be paid for during the online registration process.
General Salon Rules– Photographs must be the work of the maker and not the product of a workshop, class or set-up, with or without an instructor’s assistance. Competitions are open to images that have been computer enhanced or computer manipulated. Images must be based on or composed from original optically or photographically generated images. Images are not to be totally computer-generated. All components of an image must be created by the photographer-no clip art or purchased software images.
** IMPORTANT** Digital Salon Entries – Digital Salon Entries must be received no later than Midnight, April 12th, 2020 in order to be considered for evaluation. Late entries will not be accepted. Judging of the Digital Salon Entries will take place prior to the convention.
Entries – You cannot re-enter an image that has won an award or honorable mention ribbon at a previous NFRCC convention salon.
Digital Salon Judging - The Digital Salon Entries will be judged at TBD.
CanAm PhotoExpo (NFRCC) rules on Plagiarism
Print Salon
PRINT SALON GUIDELINES: Bring your prints with you when you come to the convention.
ENTRIES– You cannot re-enter an image that has won an award or honorable mention ribbon at a previous NFRCC convention salon.
# OF IMAGES-Attendees may enter up to 2 images in the Color Division and up to 2 images in the Monochrome Division for a total of 4 Prints. A monochrome print that has part of it in color would be entered in the Color Division.
AWARDS- A 1st, 2nd and 3rd place is awarded in each Division. A Best of Show is also awarded.
MOUNTING-A print must be mounted on something stiff, such as foam-core, so it will stand independently in a print-viewing box.
MATTING– A prints may be matted but it is not required. Finished mat size may not exceed 320 sq inches.
NOTE– No frames or glass or anything on the back of a print that may damage another print will be permitted.
Minimum is 80 square inches, (8×10), not including a mat.
Maximum size is 320 square inches, which would include the mat. (16×20)
Image may not be more than 30 inches wide or more than 24 inches high.
Prints must be the work of the maker and not the product of an instructional workshop, class or set-up. Digital enhancement is allowed but no clip-art or purchased images and the maker must photograph all components.
REVERSE SIDE: On the reverse side of the image, put an arrow of orientation, the image title, the submission division and your name and address. Be absolutely sure that this information is attached securely but not in any way that would scratch or damage another print when all the images are placed in a stack.
Special circumstances for attendees who are members of a NFRCC Club.
The George Butt Competition in Color and Monochrome Images. For a Convention attendee who is a member of a NFRCC club, please include the name of your club on the reverse side of your image. In that way, your image will be included in the inter-club competition of the George Butt Award. If you are a member of more than one NFRCC club, you need not assign all entries to the same Club.
HOW THE GEORGE BUTT TROPHY IS AWARDED: The ten highest scoring prints by at least five different club members will be the official Club entry. The club with the highest scoring monochrome entries and the highest scoring color entries will each be awarded a 1st place George Butt trophy.
Digital Salons
Photographs must be the work of the maker and not the product of a workshop or class or set up, with or without an instructor’s assistance. Competitions are open to projected images or prints that have been computer enhanced or computer manipulated (digital). Digital photos must be based on or composed from original optically or photographically generated images. Projected images or prints are not to be totally computer-generated. All components (photobased) must be created by the photographer – no clip art or purchased software images.
Attendees may enter the three divisions of Projected Images as follows:
Pictorial Division – 2 images Usually, but not limited to, images that do not fit into the Nature or Wildlife Divisions.
Nature Division – 2 images Must follow the basic rules of the NFRCC for Nature entries. (See below)
Wildlife Division – 1 (one) image of pure wildlife. Wildlife Division is open only to NFRCC members. The first place winner will be awarded the Diane Peyton-Majumdar Trophy.
Images of captive animals may not be submitted. This division shall follow PSA Guidelines for Nature and Wildlife photography, and be limited to the following:
i. Mammals
ii. Birds
iii. Fish
iv. Reptiles
v. Amphibians (Revised 2011)
Submission guidelines for all digital images:
Image format – .JPG files only
Maximum pixel dimensions – 1920 Pixels wide by 1080 Pixels high including digital mats and borders.
Color space – should be sRGB
File naming: Each image file will be named as follows: Letter of Division (P, N, or W)… followed by an underscore Number of entry (1 or 2)… followed by an underscore Last name … followed by an underscore First name… followed by an underscore Title Example: P_1_Thyme_Justin_End of the Day.jpg Note: The jpg file extension may or may not show up on your finished image, but if you have saved it in that format, it is there.
Check your files carefully to be sure they match the requirements. The committee will not be responsible for making corrections.
You must submit by e-mail in advance.
Please list: Your full name and address, and the NFRCC club, (if any) to which you belong
"Any image winning an award in Can Am Photo Expo competitions may be displayed on the NFRCC website or social media accounts. The creator maintains full copyright of the image(s), and grants the NFRCC anly a limited use license for social media, as stated above. The maker will always receive credit for any image used. If the image creator is a member of an NFRCC club, the image may also be proudly selected to be part of any NFRCC regional competition.”
Send entries to the following address: Payment will need to be made during the online Expo registration for the digital salons as there is no on site registration. Payment for the Print Salon may be made during online registration or at the Expo print salon registration.
Salon Deadline for Digital Images is:
March 28th, 2021 at 11:59PM, NO EXCEPTIONS.
Images without payment will not be judged.
Digital Images – Nature and Wildlife Salons
No elements may be moved, cloned, added, deleted, rearranged, combined, or changed in any way that affects the integrity of the image content. No manipulation or modification is permitted except resizing, cropping, selective lightening or darkening, and restoration to the original color of the scene. No special effects filters can be added or applied, and any sharpening must appear natural.
Wildlife Division – Open only to NFRCC members
Slides entered into this category must feature animals. They can represent:
Non-captive animals in their native habitat, however, images in which a man made object has become part of the creature’s natural habitat, such as a stork in a roof nest or a barn swallow in its nest in a barn, as well as tagged animals in the wild, are acceptable.
Images of captive animals may not be submitted.
The first place winner will be awarded the Diane Peyton-Majumdar Trophy. This division shall follow PSA Guidelines for Nature and Wildlife photography, and be limited to the following:
i. Mammals
ii. Birds
iii. Fish
iv. Reptiles
v. Amphibians (Revised 2011)
Nature Division
Images entered in the nature competition must conform to PSA’s definition of a nature image.
Eligible subjects include trees, wild flowers, weeds, grasses, fungi, ferns, mosses, animals or birds (except domesticated), reptiles, insects, fossils, weather, land/seascapes (without boats or other human evidence), geological formations, etc.
Ineligible subjects include cultivated plants or flowers, domestic animals (dogs, cows, etc.) scenic’s which show human artifacts (fences, buildings, telephone wires, etc.), mounted specimens, museum habitats or groups, or subjects no longer alive.