It all begin here!
An attendee and Dougs perspective about the Guild programing
Topics of study
Composition: Everything about how and why composition is so important, and how to learn to look for that special perception that will make your image stand out.
In-Studio Classes: with multiple HD cameras and audio as instructors create images live in the studio. Classes will focus on macro, creativity, portraiture, posing, and equipment.
Post-Production: Learn how to effectively use a variety of software in your post production. Some of the programs we will cover include:
Adobe Lightroom Classic and Lightroom
Adobe Photoshop, Bridge, Camera Raw
Corel Painter
Capture One
Various Plug-ins including DXO, Topaz, On1, Portraiture, Helicon Focus, TK actions and more
Techniques: Learn how to take your images to a new creative level by learning the following techniques:
Creative Editing
Luminsity masking
Blend-if Functions
Advanced Photoshop techniques
Advanced Lightroom techniques
Alternative editing techniques
Digital painting
Artistic rendering
Color management
and more….
Image Review: Each month members’ submissions will be evaluated based upon the International Federation of Photographic Arts standards. The focus on image review will be on self-improvement and image excellence, with critical evaluation for improvement of images being a priority. An annual publication will be produced of the very best images throughout the year including an end-of-year.
What makes this guild different from a camera club?
The guild focuses on education.
The guild will Focuses on education and artistic interpretation of images and backgrounds to improve the members’ knowledge and understanding of the photographic arts. We focus on individual photographer improvement through a solid understanding of techniques both in camera and post-production and artistic development.
CanAm Photo Guild
Meeting three times a month
Like a camera club on steroids
Focusing on photographic education and creative advancement.
It all started when…
I often hear people say “I pretty much understand my camera and can capture clear and well-exposed images, but they lack drama or interest. What do I do?”
After years of teaching photographers at many levels, I have realized that the best approach to learning is to walk through images and talk about them. For years, image competitions have focused primarily on scoring, not maker growth and artistic development. In the Guild programs, we will focus on your images. In real time, I will edit your images and discuss my approach as I work on them. Will I always make great images? Probably not, but I will show you how to grow as a photographic artist.
Why join?
Introducing The Photo Guild - the ultimate online workshop for photography enthusiasts who want to take their editing skills to the next level!
Join me for a nine month journey of creativity and learning as we delve into the world of photo editing. With The Photo Guild, you'll get access to a series classes from September to June, three classes per month, where I'll work with your own images and guide you through the process of transforming them into stunning, professional-grade photos.
Through interactive sessions and personalized feedback, you'll learn a variety of creative editing techniques that will help you take your photography skills to the next level. Whether you're an amateur photographer or a seasoned pro, The Photo Guild is the perfect opportunity to enhance your skills, learn new editing tricks, and unlock your true creative potential.
And the best part? The Photo Guild is entirely online, so you can participate from the comfort of your own home. All you need is a computer, an internet connection, and your favorite photo editing software. Plus, with our community of like-minded photographers, you'll have the chance to connect with others, share your work, and gain valuable insights and inspiration.
We understand the importance of personalized attention and interaction in learning, which is why we keep our classes limited to just 30 people. This allows us to maintain a traditional class size and provide ample opportunities for you to ask questions, get specific answers, and receive tailored feedback on your work.
During our interactive classes, you'll have the chance to share your images with me and the class, and receive expert guidance on how to enhance them using creative editing techniques. You'll also have the opportunity to learn from the experiences of other participants, as we encourage an open and supportive community of photographers
With The Photo Guild, you won't have to worry about feeling lost or overwhelmed in a large online class. Our limited class size ensures that you'll receive the attention and support you need to achieve your creative goals.
All sessions are recorded and available to view for up to one year.
What People are saying
Copyright Charles Cappellino
“This image was taken four years ago and would have been a throw away image, before taking your classes and joining the Guild. The challenge was to have a flowing look, but thru your class I have been able to take a photo like that, and rescue it. Thanks for today and thanks for all that you have taught me over the last several years, I wouldn’t haven’t got there with out you Doug” ~ Charlie
What to expect each month
We will meet three times a month on Thursdays.
The first Thursday of the month will focus on a more basic skill set and is designed to teach less experienced photographers the skills that they need.
The second Thursday of the month will cover much more advanced topics intended to challenge even the seasoned photographer.
The third Thursday of the month is an image review where inner circle and founding members get to show off their work and see what an experienced judge has to say about the work. This review will always focus on image improvement.
Classes will run from September through June. We’ll take the summer off to gather more images to share in the following year! All classes are recorded and available to download for members for up to one year after the program.
Classes will be taught by Doug Hansgate and a select few special guest instructors throughout the year. Some classes will include breakout sessions of 6-8 people to facilitate discussion and understanding of the topics.
Three Membership Levels
Basic Membership: View two monthly classes and view the image competitions to see what other members are producing. You will have access to the meetings online as well as access to the recorded classes.
$389 annually
(On-Sale now $329) Receive the remainder of this year and all of the 24/25 season
(annual membership)
Inner Circle: Enjoy all of the above as well as being able to submit images for the monthly post-production editing class and image review. All post-production classes will be taught using members’ images, not those of the various instructors. Inner circle members are the core of the guild; they can interact with each other online and the instructor in a true classroom environment. They are encouraged to ask questions, be involved, and make suggestions as to the direction that they would like the class to go. We always have a topic of focus for the evening, but rest assured, we do alter our instruction to the needs of the class.
$659 annually
(On-Sale now $559 ) Receive the remainder of this year and all of the 24/25 season
(annual membership)
Founders Membership: Each founding member enjoys all of the above as well as being able to schedule up to 4 hours of private, one-on-one classes per month with Doug Hansgate and, on a limited basis, with our guest instructors. In addition, founders will receive a 15% discount on all CanAm Events throughout the year and on any workshop lead by Doug Hansgate. (That’s an $630 discount on just the As the Mist Rises workshop alone!)
$3,200 annually
(On-Sale now $2600 ) Receive the remainder of this year and all of the 24/25 season
(annual membership)
All memberships are annual, and renewal must be done by members. We will not auto-renew any members.
Example Class
Adobe broke Lightroom classic and made it ten times better. Here’s how!